I am writing these thoughts as I am exiting a season in my life that I would classify as "purposeless running". I was always telling myself, "if i just continue running I will eventually run into my calling". Though that always kept me moving, I almost always felt stuck. Some time later, God, helped me realize that it wasn't the constant running that was the problem. It was the roads I was running on that kept me in that "purposeless" state of mind. 

I graduated college, but wanted to to build something on my own. The byproduct of that was wanting to do things my way, "on my own". I soon realized that my ways aren't Gods ways; and the ways He had for me are far greater than I can even comprehend. It wasn't until I realized that God wanted to partner with me, instead of being apart from me, that I felt purposeful. 

As soon as I started being more intimate with Him, I began to do as much as I can His way. He eventually put the word "Ministry" in my heart, and I instantly felt as if the roads I was running on had supernaturally changed. They are now roads to life. 

I can't express how excited I am to start this Journey and have all of you join me in glorifying the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Whether you already talk about Jesus or are reluctant in spreading the Good News, WALKwithSCRIPTURE, is created to help you become bold with the mission and spark curiosity, just by getting dressed. 

The mission has a church. We are called to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the World. I know that this brand will lead to more and more conversations about God as a global movement. Along our journey, I plan on funding amazing non-profits and missions that spread the Gospel. For we are one people, one church.

Grab something here and help us spread the Love of Jesus. 

- Daniel